Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Waiting...

You know that waiting period we all hate so much that just drags and drags and drags. If it's either waiting to know if your pregnant, or waiting for DAY 14 or whatever day that is, or the waiting period for our bodies to heal, or just plain waiting, I hate it! I guess I am one of those girls who likes to know things now! And well, this whole pregnancy thing is definitely not that way. I think someone knew how for us women to develop the quality of patience. So last night was a true test for me in the waiting period. Over six weeks ago I had my fallopian tube removed, yeah not really that much fun. It kinda cut down the chances of getting pregnant again. Ha, what's new!!! So my fertility specialist, Dr. Harry Hatasaka, has been monitoring my HCG level, you know the pregnancy hormone, well for some silly reason my is deciding to go down rather slowly.  So it began at....55,100 -
1 week after 24,473
2- 9,085
3- 2,000 
4- 700 
5 -51
7 - 11
So can anyone guess why I had a break down. Week 7 and 8 not much progress! I know before we ever get pregnant my levels have to go back to 0!!!!!! My body still thinks it's pregnant, so therefor if I was ever going to ovulate, which  I won't without medication, but it can't!!! HCG usually takes 4-6 weeks to leave the blood stream, but it also depends how far along someone was.  My levels were pretty high they think because of the baby in the fallopian tube, and possibly the the sac in the uterus. They had never seen an eptopic  pregnancy that such high levels and not bursting on it's own, so they figure the sac in the uterus caused the levels to rise as well.

So anyways, yes last night I had a breakdown at Darcee's place. She just hugged me and made me feel so much. I seriously love her more than anything. When  I left she texted me some scriptures to read, Moroni 7, D&C 109:76, a conference talk called Hope, and anther called The Atonement. I think I cried for at least an hour reading them. Ha! I am so pathetic! My puppies just sat there and looked at me! It was rather sad. I read my blessing and it answered a question I had been praying about a looooooooot lately. Hopefully I'll be able to share with you soon! So anyways enough with that. I think I'll post later tonight, but it's time to go finish weed wacking the lawn. Ha! I actually love doing it!


  1. Love you! You're the strongest woman I know. Thanks for making me strong!

  2. Katie, I love your blog. What a good idea to help get through this hard time. It sure makes me feel better. You are so strong!
